All existenting life is performing ... Its more like the universe connecting rather than going to watch it.
I’m performing - I make performance
Performance is a way to achieve communication and awareness, is a connector, iit’s the beggining of something a way to discuss and reflect upon current models of society an projects for the future
It’s also a way to empower new ways of being, existence and expression.
All I have done in performance is by the impulse of creation and the power of bodies as a tool of communication and my channel with the universe.
Since 2009, I’ve creating autorship processes that lead me to my research and art making within the performance art field.
A.I.R. - Absolute in Ruhe -2021
The space and the deep sea are soaked in fluid storms and silence that our auditory system can't grasp.
Silence is seeking for peace or a confrontation of memories and actual feelings...
Is silence a matter of absence?
What is voluntary, what is imposed?
The voices that have been silenced with their life. The voices that spread hatred with their filthy discourses and should keep their mouths shut. The ones which are not heard because their signals and symbols do not support a system of continuous destruction.
For the brave voices that sing their life and scream their manifestos.
We keep silence.
May this be a new form of communication?
We inhabit Tivoli Park as a site for specific performance of silences.
Not seeking for answers. Leaving residual presence in silence.
Inspired by silence
# shades of silence # multitude of silences # perhaps? # finally? # silence resonates # morethanthat # doingotherwise # it’snotametaphor Durational performance - 9 hours - 2021
Spider Festival Performers : Tizo All, Marc Philipp Gabriel Concept: Tizo All
White su (gar) premacy kills - Palast der Republik - Berliner Festspiele - The performance Bar 2019Last performane I’ve done with the performance Bar... -
It was left some white kind light feathers behind ... the performance as the title suggests talk about the toxicity of white privileges and the unawaress of some white folks about their place of privilege - so as the performance suggests it kills and like sugar kills -
the metaphor is not a coincidence and the performance is just no excuse is to the purposes to provoke a rupture
Colonial Table - social experiment - a table to gather - a possibility of exchange - nutrition awareness -digestion problems The performance/social experiment was made first time in 2019 in Funchal - Madeira Island - portuguese territory -
Curiousily at the day of the performance was the 20th celebration of the independency of Macao as a possession of portuguese territory. So the rules are simply - We can sit, eat ( if there is something offered to eat), in this specific performance only sugar.
We can talk and listen. No one should speak more than three minutes ( let’s say).
Every one should speak unless the person wants to pass their turn to other person.
We discuss about the issues that are put on the table, in this case colonialism - perhaps decolonisation if we get a certain level of awareness - otherwise we keep talking about current matters of colonization.
We don’t change the subject and try to focus on the matter which is, what it is, when and how it was done, has been done and what could be done to repair some damages done through history.
In this specific event we spoke about slavery, and other subjects of matter about the portuguese colonial history.
we spoke also about Madeira Island and how slavery left not traces behingd according to the official history of/in Maderia Island. The unfolding of this discussion is quite interesting, and it can be done in any place, with every kind of participants.
INgredients / how to prepare the table
Inform yourself about your own/ other colonial history
Prepare a table/maybe offer some colonial products that can be a good start to talk about the subject
Establish some rules you think can be worth, for example men doesn’t speak more and longer than women
People can change their seats each round of 10 minutes.
Be aware about common sense, make notes, and let paper and pen/pencil on the table for the other also make note
Raise some important topics like what has be done to:
the earth
to the natives
to the natural resoucers
to the slaves
to the wealth
to the debits
What is happening currently to those “ex” colonies about the same topics
What is the inherintance of colonial times.. who get/got what ...?
Maybe the session is recorded!?
Make someone will cry and/or get angry to one another!?
Don’t get surprise about common sense... try to make it visible to the whole group.
ALTAR - 2013/2019
Altar is about “killing the self” (oferenda) - its about to redeem an era of individualism which brought us onto a society divided between classes, genders and inequalities. Colonialism is not a past fact, even not a fact, it is the implementation of a domination system, which endures and gets empowered from the current model of economics and politics.
Altar claims for a revolution of the human body, where the roots of hegemonic thinking can be destroyed in name of the restoration. “where nature is holy there is no evil, and everything around us is respected”
London - Berlin - Seoul .
DEEP TRASH - London - 2018 MONTH OF PERFORMANCE - Berlin - 2015/2016 KEAF - South Korea/ Seoul-Jeju Island - 2013
DEEP TRASH - London - 2018 MONTH OF PERFORMANCE - Berlin - 2015/2016 KEAF - South Korea/ Seoul-Jeju Island - 2013
Despite the fact that nudity is not a statement but a per se - my solo performances bring up themes like, decolonization, civil awareness and sensitivity to the space/, the other and the art as an act of love, rebellion and healing.
performermance venues
Kunsthalle - Ebeltoft - Denmark - 2021
Berlinerfestspiele - Palast der Republik -
The performance bar -2019
Blast Supper - Aarhus - Denmark - 2018
Culture Night - Livestock gallery - Dublin 2018
Deep trash - Escoria - London 2018 - clipping
Welcome to the Village - Leewarden - N.L. 2018
Berlinerfestspiele - Palast der Republik -
The performance bar -2019
Blast Supper - Aarhus - Denmark - 2018
Culture Night - Livestock gallery - Dublin 2018
Deep trash - Escoria - London 2018 - clipping
Welcome to the Village - Leewarden - N.L. 2018
Kunsthalle - Baden Baden - Michael Müller - exhibition
The performance bar - Rotterdam- 2016/2019
The Others - Artfair - The performance bar - Turin - 2017
Month of performance - Berlin - 2013/2015
Korea Experimental Art Festival - South Korea 2013
Open Studio - GlogauAIR - Berlin 2012 Open SpacePerformunion - since 2010
International Performance Festivals in Germany - clipping
The performance bar - Rotterdam- 2016/2019
The Others - Artfair - The performance bar - Turin - 2017
Month of performance - Berlin - 2013/2015
Korea Experimental Art Festival - South Korea 2013
Open Studio - GlogauAIR - Berlin 2012 Open SpacePerformunion - since 2010
International Performance Festivals in Germany - clipping