Uferstudio - 2022
Scenario and props
SALTO is a shimmering slow-motion 10-min-rollercoaster of frictions between rocks, skin, saltwater, wind, feathers, fur, moss and concrete.
A single panning movement of the camera circumscribes the dramatically contrasting landscapes of Madeira Island, Portugal. When a human body emerges from the ground in a single dance move, time is removed for a moment before everything melts back into matter. Letting the voices of non-human people resonate, SALTO silently comments on the capitalization of nature for colonial and touristic exploitation.
A FILM BY Marc Philipp Gabriel
CAST Tis Aly
CAMERA / SOUND / EDITING Marc Philipp Gabriel
Duration: 10 mins.
©2020 Marc Philipp Gabriel
For a link to the film please contact marc@marcphilippgabriel.com
TANZAHOi – International Dance & Dance Film Festival
Pool - International TanzFilmFestival - Berlin -September.
Dance Days Chania – Video Dance
click here for SALTO on filmfreeway.com
the pandemic-stricken olive groves of Puglia, Southern Italy, two human bodies emerge from the trees for a dance of death.
PERFORMANCE Tis Aly & Marc Philipp Gabriel
MUSIC Marc Philipp Gabriel
CAMERA | EDITING Marc Philipp Gabriel
Duration: 1 min
8 JAN 2021 / Premiere at 22. SzólóDuó International Dance Festival / Ork_Kota_Platfrom / Budapest, Hungary
find us on filmfreeway.com
The Blast Supper - Denmark 2018 serie of videos of collaborative art works in the frame of festivals and other art projects
My icarus complex - Denmark - 2017
The way the dead love - Denmark - 2016
PERFORMANCE - The performance Bar 2019
Deep Trash Escoria 2019
Videos clipes
THe blast suPper 2018
The Blast Supper from BusinessFilm on Vimeo.